Learning a language, with or without MosaLingua, consists mainly of learning and enriching one’s vocabulary. The exercise, though tedious, is not difficult to put into practice. It is enough to adopt a method of memorization (or several). To help you, here are 5 ways to better memorize vocabulary.
This video on how to better memorize vocabulary is part of a series of videos tips and learning tips. Do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to discover a new video, rich in tricks, every Tuesday (and a few Thursdays!).
Five Simple Ways to Better Memorize Vocabulary (Video)
How to Better Memorize Vocabulary
Use a Flashcard App with Spaced Repetition System (SRS) Software
Using flashcards with SRS is probably the oldest trick for learning vocabulary.
It allows you to repeat vocab that you are struggling with more frequently while decreasing the frequency of word that you already know.
Learn with Mnemonics
When you put a wild or bizarre story behind your vocabulary word, chances are you are less likely to forget it. Next time you create a phrase on your flashcard, why not create one with a ridiculously awesome significance to it?
Write a Story with the Vocabulary that You Learned
Fact of the matter is, we learn with stories so why not create a story that is so compelling that you won’t forget it.
Take the time to write a fun or bizarre short story with the vocabulary that you are learning for the week.
Use the Vocabulary Right Away
Once you have your key vocab words for the week, use them ASAP.
Use them in your weekly Skype conversations with a native-speaking tutor for example.
Record Yourself Saying the Vocabulary Out Loud
We learn by doing.
Sure it’s intimidating and you might make a fool of yourself, but at least you will walk away with a new vocabulary word in your toolkit.
Chances are you will be impressed with your progress in speaking when you go back and watch the video a couple months later.
Conclusion on Five Simple Habits to Help You Better Memorize Vocabulary:
“You learn by doing, and by falling over.” – Richard Branson
It’s time to start doing.
Bonus Video
For more tips on how to keep from forgetting the vocab you learn, watch Luca’s video. Watch it here or on YouTube:
While you’re there, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel! Click here, it’s free!
And if you’re ready to start learning vocab, download the MosaLingua app today!