When learning a language, we study important phrases such as greetings, farewells, and more. Emergency phrases also carry great importance, as you might run into an emergency while traveling or studying abroad. Instead of being stuck wondering what to say during an emergency, you can use short phrases listed in this article to help you. You’ll find these phrases convenient because they are short and easy to say. Without further ado, let’s dive in!
Emergency Phrases in Different Languages
From asking for help to calling an ambulance, the phrases below are categorized based on the particular situation they’re useful for.
Emergency Phrases in English
Asking for help:
- Help!
- Somebody help me!
- I need help!
- Please help me!
- Can you help me?
- I’m bleeding!
- I hurt/injured my arm!
- I dislocated my shoulder!
- I broke my collarbone!
- I sprained/rolled/twisted my ankle!
- I have a fever!
- I feel like throwing up!
- I need medicine!
- I feel sick!
- I need to rest!
- Call the cops!
- Where’s the police station?
- The fire/smoke alarm went off!
- There’s a fire in the building!
- We need an ambulance!
Emergency Phrases in Chinese
Asking for help:
- 救命!: Help!
- 帮助!: Help!
- 请帮忙!: Please help!
- 我需要援助!: I need assistance!
- 你可以帮我吗?: Can you help me?
- 我受伤了!: I’m injured!
- 我弄伤了我的脚!: I injured my foot!
- 我被一只蜜蜂蜇了!: I was stung by a bee!
- 我晒伤了!: I have a sunburn!
- 我的肩膀脱臼了!: I dislocated my shoulder!
- 我觉得很不舒服!: I feel very unwell!
- 我病了!: I’m sick!
- 我需要一位医生!: I need a doctor!
- 我肚子痛!: My stomach hurts!
- 我有点儿头疼!: I have a headache!
- 报警!: Call the police!
- 我要报警!: I need to call the police!
- 请叫救护车!: Please call an ambulance!
- 火灾!: Fire!
- 请帮我打电话给消防队!: Please help me call the fire department!
Emergency Phrases in French
Asking for help:
- Au secours!: Help!
- J’ai besoin d’aide!: I need help!
- J’ai besoin de l’assistance!: I need help!
- Est-ce que vous pourrez m’aider?: Will you help me?
- Aidez-moi s’il vous plaît!: Please help me!
- Je suis blessé(e)!: I’m injured!
- J’ai bléssé mon pied!: I injured my foot!
- J’ai été piqué par une abeille!: I was stung by a bee!
- Je suis tombé!: I fell!
- J’ai casse le bras!: I broke my arm!
- J’ai besoin d’un médecin!: I need a doctor!
- J’ai mal à la tête!: I have a headache!
- J’ai des nausées!: I’m nauseous!
- J’ai une coupure/une plaie!: I have a cut/wound!
- J’ai une forte fièvre!: I have a high fever!
- Appelez la police!: Call the police!
- Où est la station de police la plus proche?: Where’s the police station?
- Appelez une ambulance!: Call an ambulance!
- Feu!: Fire!
- Appelez les pompiers!: Call the fire department!
Emergency Phrases in Japanese
Asking for help:
- 助けてください(たすけてください)!: Please help!
- 助けてくださいませんか(たすけてくださいませんか)?: Will you help me?
- 助けてくれますか(たすけてくれますか)?: Will you help me?
- ちょっと助けてください(ちょっとたすけてください)!: Please help me a little!
- 手伝ってくれませんか(てつだってくれませんか)?: Can you help me?
- 怪我をしました(けがをしました)!: I got injured!
- 足首を捻挫しました(あしくびをねんざしました)!: I sprained my ankle!
- 虫に刺されました(むしにさされました)!: I got stung by a bug!
- 膝を脱臼しました(ひざをだっきゅうしました)!: I dislocated my knee!
- 血が出ています(ちがでています)!: I’m bleeding!
- お腹が痛いです(おなかがいたいです)!: My stomach hurts!
- 熱があります(ねつがあります)!: I have a fever!
- 風邪をひきました(かぜをひきました)!: I caught a cold!
- 頭痛がします(ずつうがします)!: I have a headache!
- 具合が悪いです(ぐあいがわるいです)!: I’m not feeling well!
- 警察を呼んでください(けいさつをよんでください)!: Call the police!
- 警察に電話してください(けいさつにでんわしてください)!: Call the police!
- 救急車を呼んでください(きゅうきゅうしゃをよんでください)!: Call the ambulance!
- 救急車に電話してください(きゅうきゅうしゃに電話してください)!: Call the ambulance!
- 火事です(かじです)!: Fire!
Emergency Phrases in Portuguese
Asking for help:
- Socorro!: Help!
- Preciso de ajuda!: I need help!
- Por favor ajude-me!: Please help me!
- Preciso de ajuda imediatamente!: I need help immediately!
- Você pode me ajudar?: Can you help me?
- Estou ferido!: I’m hurt!
- Eu tenho um corte!: I have a cut!
- Meu pé está doendo!: My foot hurts!
- Torci o meu tornozelo!: I sprained my ankle!
- Eu fui picado por uma abelha!: I was stung by a bee!
- Estou doente!: I’m sick!
- Estou com dor de cabeça!: I have a headache!
- Eu preciso deitar!: I need to lay down!
- Onde fica o hospital mais próximo?: Where’s the nearest hospital?
- Preciso de um médico!: I need a doctor!
- Chame a polícia!: Call the police!
- Chame uma ambulância!: Call an ambulance!
- Fogo!: Fire!
- O edifício está a arder!: The building is on fire!
- Há um incêndio!: There’s a fire!
Emergency Phrases in Spanish
Asking for help:
- ¿Puede ayudarme?: Can you help me?
- ¡Necesito ayuda!: I need help!
- ¡Ayuda!: Help!
- ¡Auxílio!: Help!
- ¡Socorro!: Help!
- ¡Me rompí el brazo!: I broke my arm!
- ¡Me lastimé el pie!: I hurt my foot!
- ¡Me torcí el tobillo!: I sprained my ankle!
- ¡Me hice un cardenal!: I got a bruise!
- ¡Tengo una quemadura!: I have a burn!
- ¡No me siento bien!: I don’t feel well!
- ¡Tengo fiebre!: I have a fever!
- ¡Quiero vomitar!: I want to vomit!
- ¡Tengo náuseas!: I’m nauseous!
- ¡Me duele la cabeza!: My head hurts!
- ¡Llame a la policía!: Call the police!
- ¿Dónde está la comisaría más cercana?: Where’s the nearest police station?
- ¡Hay un incendio!: There’s a fire!
- ¡El edificio está en llamas!: The building is on fire!
- ¡Llame a una ambulancia!: Call an ambulance!
Emergency Phrases in Korean
Asking for help:
- 좀 도와주실래요?: Can you help me?
- 살려주세요!: Save me!
- 도와주세요!: Please help!
- 도와 주시겠어요!: Please help me!
- 도와 줘!: Help me!
- 저는 다리에 부상을 입었습니다!: I injured my foot!
- 어깨를 삐었어요!: I dislocated my shoulder!
- 햇볕에 화상을 입었어요!: I have a sunburn!
- 발목을 삐었어요!: I sprained my ankle!
- 벌에 쏘였어요!: I was stung by a bee!
- 의사가 필요해요!: I need a doctor!
- 머리가 아파요!: I have a headache!
- 열이 나요!: I have a fever!
- 감기에 걸렸어요!: I caught a cold!
- 의사가 필요해요!: I need a doctor!
- 경찰을 불러 주세요!: Please call the police!
- 가장 가까운 경찰서는 어딘가요?: Where’s the nearest police station?
- 구급차 좀 불러주세요!: Please call an ambulance!
- 불이야!: Fire!
- 건물은 불에 타고 있어요!: The building is on fire!
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