Having a strong, rich vocabulary for the TOEIC exam is vital. In our list below, we’ve compiled the best methods to ensure your success at learning new words and their meanings. We’ve formatted our app like this based on the spaced repetition system. Numerous polyglots and independent learners around the world rely on this system, as it’s one of the most effective ways to learn new vocabulary. If you find new words when you’re reading books and articles, look up the translation or definition and create a new flashcard in your MosaLingua app. There are many different strategies people use to enhance their vocabulary. Here are some of the best pieces of advice for learning new words quickly and efficiently.
How to Increase Your Vocabulary for the TOEIC
Read, watch and listen to what interests you.
Learning works best when you are actively engaged in the process. For preparation to be effective, you need to be truly focused. Choose materials that you enjoy and then slowly broaden the range of topics as you become more comfortable.
Write in English, whether in a journal or as part of “real-life” language exchange.
Don’t settle for the same words; look up synonyms, change up the sentence structure and take risks (but only when you are practicing!). Be proactive in looking up how to use a new word if you’re unsure.
When you learn a new word, try to find out its part of speech.
Whether it’s a noun, adjective, verb, conjunction, adverb, etc. Once you know what type of word it is, you can more easily identify other words in the same grouping.
Read books and magazines on a regular basis and listen to podcasts and TV shows.
You may not notice it, but you learn new vocabulary even when you don’t understand 100% of what you’re listening to or what you’re reading.
Whenever you hear a word you don’t recognize, check its definition in English.
This is another handy way to learn new words within a certain context.
Avoid the temptation to translate word-for-word in your native language.
Instead, find a few synonyms or a sentence that makes the meaning of the word clearer to you.
Learn by context.
Don’t simply review isolated words — study them in a sentence or with synonyms.
Learn in a peaceful setting and block out any distractions.
Close your door, wear earplugs or switch your phone to airplane mode. Set a timer for your sessions; it will remind you that you’re studying for the TOEIC and shouldn’t be focused on anything else.
Do short study sessions in the morning and before bed.
These are ideal times for memorizing and it will feel like a lesser workload.
Study on a daily basis.
Make a habit of reviewing your flashcards every day. Even on busy days, try to fit in a few minutes for review. It should become a part of your daily routine.
Focus on pronunciation.
When you use MosaLingua, be sure the audio is on. English phonetics and spelling can be tricky. The key to bettering your understanding of them is to learn how sounds are spelled and remembering any peculiar spellings you may have noticed.
Test out different strategies for memorizing the meaning of new words.
Create mnemonic devices or visualize a picture to go with the new word.
Now you know the best tips to memorize efficiently the vocabulary for the TOEIC, why not getting started? Try our app MosaLingua TOEIC now, it will radically improve your vocabulary! Based on our our own SRS memorization system for languages, you will quickly expand your vocabulary and perform well at the TOEIC test!