Speaking a foreign language with others as early on as possible is the best way to learn it. Lots of websites offer linguistic exchanges, a way for language learners to chat or speak with one another.


Linguistic Exchanges: Everything You Need to Know (Video)

Linguistic Exchanges: Everything You Need to Know (Transcript)

How does it work?

You meet someone, virtually of course, and talk to them in the language you would like to learn.

Look for a partner who wants to learn your mother tongue, and who is a native speaker of your target language.

The vocabulary in your MosaLingua app was selected specifically to help you have conversations and you will be able to use what you learn right away.

Here are some things you should try before you begin!

  1. If you’re shy, start by instant messaging

Chatting, or instant messaging, is a good  solution for even the most shy learners…

Because it allows you to communicate using the language you are learning, without the stress of being in front of a webcam or others hearing your accent.

You don’t even need to be at your computer: with your smartphone, you can chat anytime and anywhere.

All you need to do is find the right website or app for you.

When chatting, you can take as much time as you need before you respond.

You can think about your sentences, make sure they are correct before you send them, etc.

But we believe that oral communication is still the most important skill to learn!

So how can you incorporate speaking into your chat?

By sending voice messages.

When you get a reply, you can listen to it multiple times if you need to or even write out a transcript before you reply…It’s really effective.

  1. When you feel ready, speak up

To improve your speaking skills and practice a language for free, and to have fun doing it.

Get a language partner.

Linguistic exchanges help both partners: in order for both partners to improve their skills, you should split your conversations evenly in the two languages.

But it’s also important that you progress at the same pace.

Look for a partner who has the same level that you have at their native language.

Try to find a good balance: decide how long you will converse in each language, or split it down the middle so that you each speak only in your target language.

Before your conversation, don’t forget to grab any reference materials you might need during the chat.

Such as a bilingual dictionary or a MosaLingua conversation guide.

Lastly, learn what to do when you don’t know how to reply.

Memorize a few key phases to explain you situation.

Such as “can you repeat that please” and “how do you say…”

Look in the video description to discover our selection of websites you can try!

And don’t forget: MosaLingua is your personal language coach that is always in your pocket to help you speak with natives!