I’m sure you’ve wondered just how many words you need to know before you can consider yourself fluent. Well, it depends a lot on your target language! To help you out, we’ve decided to compile a series of lexical frequency lists for each of the languages we offer. In this first article, you’ll find all the most common English words. At a glance, this should help you gauge your progress and you might also find a few words worth adding to your vocabulary studies!


The Most Common English Words: English Frequency Lists

We’ve decided to start with English for this first article. If you follow the whole series, you’ll see that frequency lists are sometimes very similar from one language to another. We’re starting with English because it’s the most common shared language between foreigners in all fields of communication. If you’re going to Poland but don’t speak a word of the local language, you’ll try to speak English; if you’re going to Colombia on vacation but don’t speak Spanish, you’ll speak English; and so on. So we thought it prudent and essential to start with this language.

What is a frequency list?

First of all, before we give you our frequency lists for the most common English words, what are we talking about? Is this the same as a vocabulary list? A frequency list is a vocabulary list of the most common words, i.e. those used most frequently. It’s compiled from a variety of written sources, such as books, film subtitles, newspapers, and so on.

However, a frequency list is a linguistic tool before it’s a vocabulary tool. It lets you know which words to learn first, but also which ones to pay attention to. Some words, like prepositions, can have several definitions. For example, “to” can be used with or without a verb:

  • I go to school.
  • It’s something I’ll get used to.
  • It’s up to you.

Knowing that this preposition (or any other word) is used frequently has some use in itself. But you’ll also need to know how to use it. Let’s just say it gives you an idea of how important a particular word is in a language. For those who like to study linguistics, it’s fascinating!

Why should I use these to study vocabulary?

You may be asking yourself this question right now. The answer is quite simple. If you learn words from a frequency list, you’ll be sure to find those words in your conversations, in the movies you watch, or in what you listen to. A simple vocabulary list won’t necessarily have this advantage (even if it’s also useful in its own way). In fact, they complement each other.

What’s more, using a lexical frequency list will enable you to analyze the language you’re learning. After all, every language is built differently, and it’s always useful to understand how the language you’re learning works.

What is the best way to use a frequency list?

A frequency list is a list of the most frequently used words – not phrases, sentences, or concepts. Here, we offer you around 1,000 of the most frequently used words in English. This will give you an initial foundation on which to build your vocabulary.

It’s important to note that some words, although commonly used, may not be immediately useful. For example, “god” is a word you’ll find in the frequency list in many languages. If you’re not religious, you might not use it much on a daily basis. It does, however, give an idea of the importance of this concept in a given culture.

The advice we can give you for incorporating these lists into your learning is to assess the words YOU need and write examples alongside them to put them into context. For example, “to see” can mean several very different things in English:

  • I see that dog every morning. (= to look at something)
  • Frank has been seeing Lisa for a month. (= to date)
  • Do you see what I mean? (= to understand)

One verb, three very different contexts. You’ll likely come across some words in other languages that work the same way, especially prepositions, which can generally be translated in multiple ways. So don’t hesitate to create your own list with the words you need in their proper context. Never forget that frequency and vocabulary lists are aids, but only you know exactly what you need. What’s more, you’ll have more fun learning vocabulary if you can put it into a context that’s meaningful to you!

Did you know that MosaLingua’s learning method is based on frequency lists? We use them to identify the order in which we introduce words to learn. That way, we can be sure that you’re only learning vocabulary that’s useful in everyday life, according to your level. Yes, at MosaLingua we like to make your life easier!

Man sitting at a desk reading a book with a mug next to him.

English Frequency Lists

Frequency list: 1,000 most common English words

Here is a frequency list of the most common English words used in contemporary fiction. This means you’re likely to come across them when reading or watching a movie. A frequency list for professional contexts might be a little different.

1. the251. run501. sort751. gun
2. I252. bit502. completely752. slow
3. to253. sigh503. men753. city
4. and254. each504. dance754. broke
5. a255. those505. met755. key
6. of256. almost506. story756. lead
7. was257. against507. whatever757. throat
8. he258. everything508. build758. normal
9. you259. most509. speak759. you'd
10. it260. thank510. glass760. somewhere
11. in261. wouldn't511. pain761. wake
12. her262. mom512. check762. pair
13. she263. better513. glare763. sky
14. that264. play514. corner764. funny
15. my265. I've515. Mrs.765. business
16. his266. own516. chest766. student
17. me267. every517. hot767. giggle
18. on268. hard518. rather768. bright
19. with269. remember519. month769. admit
20. at270. three520. real770. jeans
21. as271. stood521. touch771. given
22. had272. live522. park772. children
23. for273. stand523. bring773. store
24. but274. second524. they're774. sweet
25. him275. sorry525. drink775. low
26. said276. keep526. ago776. climb
27. be277. finally527. force777. rub
28. up278. point528. you've778. apartment
29. out279. gave529. fast779. knee
30. look280. already530. lost780. shoe
31. so281. actually531. attention781. attack
32. have282. probably532. wish782. bedroom
33. what283. himself533. mark783. joke
34. not284. big534. wave784. spent
35. just285. everyone535. shout785. situation
36. like286. guess536. fill786. stuck
37. go287. lot537. begin787. gently
38. they288. step538. baby788. possible
39. is289. hey539. interest789. cell
40. this290. hear540. money790. mention
41. from291. light541. fun791. silent
42. all292. quickly542. green792. definitely
43. we293. dad543. however793. rush
44. were294. kiss544. cheek794. hung
45. back295. black545. mine795. brush
46. do296. pick546. clear796. perhaps
47. one297. else547. brown797. groan
48. about298. soon548. forward798. ass
49. know299. shoulder549. near799. rock
50. if300. table550. picture800. card
51. when301. best551. may801. lose
52. get302. without552. cool802. blush
53. then303. notice553. drive803. besides
54. into304. stay554. hug804. crazy
55. would305. care555. shake805. type
56. no306. phone556. sense806. bore
57. there307. reach557. alright807. afraid
58. I'm308. realize558. you'll808. chase
59. could309. follow559. dream809. respond
60. don't310. decide560. hang810. marry
61. ask311. kind561. clothes811. remind
62. down312. she's562. act812. pack
63. time313. grab563. become813. daughter
64. didn't314. he'd564. manage814. serious
65. want315. show565. meant815. girlfriend
66. eye316. inside566. game816. mad
67. them317. suddenly567. ignore817. somehow
68. over318. father568. stair818. buy
69. your319. rest569. taken819. sent
70. are320. herself570. party820. tight
71. or321. grin571. add821. simply
72. been322. hour572. sometimes822. trust
73. now323. hope573. job823. imagine
74. an324. also574. ten824. wind
75. by325. body575. shot825. chuckle
76. think326. might576. date826. bar
77. see327. hadn't577. quiet827. pink
78. hand328. floor578. gaze828. shove
79. it's329. its579. group829. ball
80. say330. continue580. loud830. sight
81. how331. ran581. straight831. drag
82. around332. across582. dead832. they'd
83. head333. hold583. neck833. human
84. did334. cry584. beside834. truth
85. well335. half585. pause835. share
86. before336. pretty586. number836. area
87. off337. great587. conversation837. concern
88. who338. course588. chance838. shouldn't
89. more339. mouth589. we'll839. team
90. even340. class590. rose840. escape
91. turn341. kid591. quietly841. mumble
92. come342. miss592. town842. often
93. smile343. wonder593. blood843. search
94. way344. morning594. color844. apparently
95. really345. least595. desk845. attempt
96. can346. nice596. dinner846. son
97. face347. dark597. hall847. within
98. other348. slowly598. horse848. band
99. some349. done599. music849. cute
100. right350. change600. brought850. led
101. their351. doesn't601. piece851. memory
102. only352. together602. anymore852. anger
103. walk353. yet603. beautiful853. fly
104. make354. question604. order854. paint
105. got355. anyway605. fire855. bottle
106. try356. bad606. office856. busy
107. something357. blue607. true857. comment
108. room358. believe608. although858. exclaim
109. again359. week609. warm859. avoid
110. thing360. God610. easy860. grow
111. after361. lip611. enter861. grey
112. still362. Mr.612. perfect862. mirror
113. thought363. sleep613. mutter863. gasp
114. door364. fine614. softly864. hallway
115. here365. what's615. cross865. dear
116. too366. family616. shock866. star
117. little367. many617. smirk867. sick
118. because368. worry618. damn868. cat
119. why369. roll619. soft869. counter
120. away370. parent620. stomach870. interrupt
121. let371. under621. snap871. none
122. take372. surprise622. spoke872. blink
123. two373. water623. tire873. spend
124. start374. onto624. box874. usual
125. good375. we're625. catch875. worse
126. where376. glance626. skin876. locker
127. never377. wall627. teacher877. important
128. through378. between628. middle878. favorite
129. day379. seen629. note879. grip
130. much380. read630. yourself880. TV
131. tell381. window631. haven't881. ice
132. wasn't382. idea632. lunch882. pretend
133. girl383. white633. tomorrow883. settle
134. feel384. push634. breathe884. amaze
135. oh385. feet635. clean885. pop
136. you're386. must636. except886. disappear
137. call387. such637. appear887. carefully
138. talk388. seat638. lock888. train
139. will389. set639. knock889. stick
140. long390. please640. bathroom890. guard
141. than391. red641. movie891. teeth
142. us392. brother642. agree892. flash
143. made393. these643. offer893. uncle
144. friend394. whole644. kick894. send
145. knew395. lean645. form895. doubt
146. open396. part646. confuse896. visit
147. need397. person647. lay897. nervous
148. first398. slightly648. less898. excite
149. which399. pass649. calm899. approach
150. people400. shook650. slip900. excuse
151. that's401. fact651. weren't901. fit
152. went402. wrong652. sign902. noise
153. sure403. gone653. dog903. study
154. seem404. far654. lift904. letter
155. stop405. hit655. immediately905. police
156. voice406. finger656. arrive906. eventually
157. very407. quite657. deal907. burn
158. felt408. hate658. tonight908. field
159. took409. meet659. usually909. hospital
160. our410. finish660. case910. tie
161. pull411. heart661. frown911. summer
162. laugh412. book662. shop912. huh
163. man413. past663. scare913. shift
164. okay414. kill664. promise914. self
165. close415. reason665. mum915. hurry
166. any416. anyone666. couch916. greet
167. came417. figure667. pay917. wife
168. told418. top668. state918. position
169. love419. along669. shit919. we've
170. watch420. world670. wrap920. wipe
171. arm421. she'd671. pocket921. heavy
172. anything422. high672. hello922. slam
173. I'll423. shirt673. free923. broken
174. though424. does674. huge924. complete
175. put425. today675. ride925. space
176. left426. young676. bother926. brain
177. work427. held677. land927. tiny
178. guy428. outside678. known928. pants
179. hair429. listen679. especially929. ah
180. next430. whisper680. expression930. punch
181. couldn't431. won't681. carry931. shower
182. yeah432. happy682. ring932. tongue
183. while433. ground683. spot933. afternoon
184. mean434. deep684. allow934. seriously
185. home435. drop685. several935. cup
186. few436. shrug686. aren't936. further
187. saw437. dress687. during937. race
188. place438. fell688. empty938. recognize
189. school439. there's689. lady939. computer
190. help440. yell690. eyebrow940. rang
191. wait441. breath691. strange941. safe
192. late442. air692. coffee942. jacket
193. year443. tear693. road943. bottom
194. can't444. sister694. threw944. hundred
195. house445. chair695. wide945. relax
196. happen446. kitchen696. bus946. sudden
197. last447. matter697. forget947. wow
198. always448. hurt698. gotten948. college
199. move449. fall699. smell949. flip
200. old450. wear700. fear950. mood
201. night451. isn't701. press951. track
202. nod452. woman702. boyfriend952. crack
203. life453. eat703. blonde953. block
204. give454. lie704. throw954. handle
205. sit455. hell705. round955. themselves
206. stare456. suppose706. sun956. drove
207. sat457. cover707. tall957. seven
208. should458. couple708. glad958. struggle
209. moment459. large709. age959. whether
210. another460. either710. write960. ahead
211. behind461. five711. upon961. sad
212. side462. leg712. hide962. dry
213. sound463. jump713. became963. women
214. once464. die714. crowd964. focus
215. find465. return715. rain965. repeat
216. toward466. able716. save966. thick
217. boy467. bag717. trouble967. relationship
218. ever468. alone718. annoy968. jerk
219. nothing469. shut719. nose969. present
220. front470. stuff720. weird970. suck
221. mother471. short721. death971. bell
222. name472. ready722. beat972. surround
223. am473. understand723. tone973. evening
224. since474. kept724. trip974. bite
225. reply475. plan725. six975. single
226. he's476. raise726. control976. fault
227. myself477. street727. nearly977. shadow
228. leave478. different728. consider978. wood
229. bed479. problem729. gonna979. easily
230. new480. break730. join980. woke
231. car481. line731. learn981. smoke
232. use482. early732. above982. draw
233. mind483. cut733. hi983. suggest
234. maybe484. cold734. obviously984. wet
235. has485. paper735. entire985. accept
236. heard486. scream736. direction986. third
237. answer487. instead737. foot987. totally
238. minute488. stupid738. angry988. wore
239. yes489. silence739. power989. breakfast
240. until490. tree740. strong990. trail
241. both491. caught741. quick991. animal
242. found492. ear742. doctor992. warn
243. end493. food743. edge993. aunt
244. small494. full744. song994. sir
245. I'd495. four745. asleep995. piss
246. word496. cause746. twenty996. burst
247. someone497. explain747. barely997. match
248. same498. expect748. remain998. fix
249. enough499. fight749. child999. practically
250. began500. exactly750. enjoy1000. odd

Source: wiktionary

Pronouns, articles, and possessive adjectives

Some personal pronouns are used more often than others. You’ll notice that not all of them are listed in this table, simply because they’re used less often. Though you’ll likely end up knowing and using all of them, these are the ones we recommend that you start with.

hima / an

Other pronouns and indefinite adjectives


Frequency list: Adjectives + numbers


There are two adjectives on this list that might need a little special attention: own and right.

  • own

Own can be a verb (to own something = to possess something/to take something upon yourself), an adjective, or a pronoun. This is the most common use. It takes on yet another meaning if it’s accompanied by the word up (to own up = to admit). So be careful that you’re paying attention to the context:

I did it on my own.
They speak their own language.
He refuses to own up to his mistake.

But also: It is at your own risk. (You are taking responsibility for the risks and dangers.)

  • right

Right is another word that can take on many different meanings. It too can function as a noun, adjective, or verb. “Right” can refer to a direction (right vs. left), but can also mean “correct.” Or it can be used to talk about privileges (the right to vote), or even “to put [something] back in order.” Here are a few examples:

You are right.
The right side is broken.
Are you sure you have the right number?
I know my rights.
He righted the chair that the child had knocked over.

English speakers also use this word as an interjection to confirm something:

– “Don’t forget, we’re going to the bank tomorrow.”
– “Right!

Most common English nouns – people

(pl. men)
(pl. women)

Woman in sunflower field with her arms raised. Surrounded by soap bubbles. English Frequency Lists - Most Common Words in English.

Other common nouns – time, culture, etc.


  • back

This word can be used as a noun (body part), an adjective (on the back/behind), a verb (to support/to to back up), or as an adverb employed as a particle (to go back). To help you memorize this word, no matter its part of speech or its location in the sentence, back = reverse/behind/return. This way, you can have a starting point in every context that you find it:

My back hurts. (body part)
He comes back soon. (returns)
Back outside, she went to the stable. (again; return to previous state)

Most common English verbs

Here you’ll find all the most common verbs in English.

A word of advice: First learn the auxiliaries and modals conjugated in the third person singular (he, she) in the present and past tenses. I’ve only included the infinitives here because they’re used most frequently, and the verb form doesn’t change much in English except in the past tense. You can then learn the conjugation of the remaining singular persons (I, you) before moving on to the whole conjugation table. This way, you’ll learn progressively, without tiring yourself out.

InfinitivePast Tense
buy (buying)bought
come (coming)came
follow (following)followed
get (getting)got
givegave, given
go (going)went
grow (growing)grew
include (including)included
lead (leading)led
make (making)made
see(saw), seen
seek (seeking)sought
showshowed, shown
take (taking)took, taken
try (trying)tried
use (using)used

The most commonly used verb forms in English are the past tenses:

  • are, was, were, been (to be)
  • had (to have)
  • saw, seen (to see)
  • said (to say), took (to take), made (to make), went (to go)

Adverbs of time and place


Other adverbs: Affirmation, negation, doubt, etc.

alsomore (comparative)really
anythingmost (superlative)several

Frequency list: Question words


Paper cutouts of questions marks and text bubbles. English Frequency Lists - Most Common Words in English.

Prepositions, conjunctions, and linking words

Beware of prepositions! They can often be used in many ways and might translate differently into your native language. In the table below, you’ll find a list of the most common English prepositions. The most simple approach is to learn each word or expression and its common uses (for example: go to, from 9:00 to 10:00, compared to, to and fro, etc.). Once you’re aware of its uses, try to employ each expression as much as possible.


Most common English words: A few notes

Don’t forget that a word can have several meanings, just as in many other languages. You’ll find several examples of this in the frequency lists above. Even when a word has a specific meaning, its translation might be different depending on the sentence or expression used.

So have fun creating example sentences! Make sure you understand the meaning of each word and that it’s used correctly. That way, you won’t make mistakes when you use them. And if you do, remember that mistakes are part of learning! It’s perfectly normal.

Our learning method uses frequency lists to identify the order in which you learn words. So we make it easy for you to learn a language with our apps and web platform.

Happy learning!

What is the longest word in English?

And now that we’ve just looked at a ton of vocabulary words, it’s time for a little break! Do you know what the longest word in the world is? Our French instructor Lucie did a little research and came up with some pretty crazy words that you may (or may not) have heard of before. Have a look!

Go further

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