Today, we’re going to expand your Italian vocabulary and learn how to talk about the seasons in Italian. In this article, we’ll share Italian vocabulary related to all four seasons of the year (le stagioni dell’ anno), how to pronounce the vocabulary, and how to use the words in a sentence along with some expressions related to the topic.

seasons in italian

Let’s Learn Seasons in Italian

To get started, let’s learn the vocabulary for seasons in Italian:

  • Spring: Primavera
  • Summer: Estate
  • Fall/Autumn: Autunno
  • Winter: Inverno

The Seasons in Italian: The Pronunciation

Learning the seasons in Italian and vocabulary associated with it will expand your linguistic competences and your cultural comprehension. That will help you to participate in a wide variety of conversations in both friendly and professional settings.

Below, try listening to how these terms related to the seasons are pronounced:

Stagioni (Seasons)
Inverno (Winter)
Primavera (Spring)
Estate (Summer)
Autunno (Fall/Autumn)

How to Use the Seasons in Everyday Conversation

Here are some examples of Italian expressions and sentences with the seasons:

Spring (Primavera)

In primavera i fiori sbocciano. (In spring, the flowers bloom.)
In primavera, molti turisti visitano l’Italia. (In spring, many tourists visit Italy.)

Summer (Estate)

In estate, vado in vacanza al mare. (In summer, I go on vacation to the seaside.)
Durante l’estate, il clima può diventare molto caldo. (During the summer, the weather can get very hot.)

Fall/Autumn (Autunno)

In autunno, le foglie cadono dagli alberi. (In the autumn, leaves fall from the trees.)
Mi piace camminare nei boschi durante l’autunno. (I like to walk in the woods during the fall.)

Winter (Hiver)

In inverno, può nevicare molto in alcune regioni italiane. (In winter, it can snow a lot in some regions of Italy.)
Durante l’inverno, mi piace bere cioccolata calda. (During the winter, I like to drink hot chocolate.)

As you can see, the preposition used to introduce seasons in Italian is “in,” just like with English. And if you ever need to say “the season,” you can add “la/l'” to say “the.”

Other Italian Words and Expressions related to Seasons

Let’s look at some more words and expressions related to the seasons:

La stagione delle pioggeThe rainy season
La stagione seccaThe dry season
Quando è la stagione delle piogge a...?When is the rainy season in...?
Quando è il momento migliore per visitare l'Italia?When is the best time to visit Italy?
Che tempo fa oggi?What is the weather like today?
In quale stagione ci troviamo?What season are we in?

Closing Thoughts

That’s all for today. But before we sign off, we’d like to end this article off with an artsy anecdote. Are you familiar with the Italian painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo and his “Seasons” series on exhibit at the Louvre Museum in Paris? It is a set of famous portraits using an assortment of fruits and plants from summer, spring, winter, and autumn to construct the faces. Take a look at the collection, which is fascinating both in their detail and symbolism.

We hope you liked this article and that it helped you expand your Italian vocabulary for the seasons. To memorize these words, check out the weather section of the MosaLingua Italian app.

For More Information

Keep up your Italian learning and check out some of our other articles: