Last month, we asked James to write about failing his French GCSE at 16 and how 14 years later, he managed to teach himself Spanish in less than 7 months. We’re always receiving emails, not only with questions regarding learning a language, but also with concerns about why some people aren’t confident they can do it. We asked James, as a recent successful language learner, to answer the questions for the former and address that anyone can learn a language. Now James, take it away. Today we writes about: “The best way to learn a language”.

What’s the Best Way to Learn Another Language? And Other Popular Questions
Here you have all the answers!
1. Do you need to be in a country where they speak your target language?
2. How long does it take to learn another language?
How long’s a piece of string? If you study for 5 minutes a day, it’ll take *quite* a while. If you’re able work on it full time, you can be having conversations within 3 months.
3. Was it easy learning Spanish?
Yes and no!
4. ” I was terrible at languages when I was at school, I’ve just not got the ‘language gene…”
5. ‘I’m too old now, it’s much harder to learn a language as an adult….’
6. ‘I don’t have the time….’
Was it worth it?