If you’re an introvert or a particularly timid person, learning to speak a foreign language might seem like a very uncomfortable process. It will push you outside of your comfort zone and require that you make a conscious effort to communicate. So, how can you build up your confidence to do something that probably comes pretty naturally in your native language? In this article, our resident English instructor Abbe shares 5 tips for shy language learners. You’ll find that some of the traits commonly shared by introverts can be very useful in the language learning process!

Image of a woman hiding her mouth with her shirt. Text reads "Language-Learning Tips for Shy People."

5 Tips for Shy Language Learners

Let’s start with some good news! These days, it’s easy to learn languages either independently or in a traditional classroom setting. Both approaches are valid and well-suited to different learning styles and personalities. Thanks to the Internet, the most shy among us no longer have to learn in a group setting, surrounded by other students. There are tons of different courses and resources available online that can help you reach your goals just the same.

Shyness rarely seems to be considered a positive trait, but in reality there are some advantages you can harness while learning a language. Let’s have a look!

Leverage your strengths

If you’re an introvert, your strengths likely include good listening and observation skills. These are both critical to the language learning process!

Getting lots of listening exposure in your target language provides a strong foundation for your learning, and it’s an activity where you’re likely to feel comfortable. This will help you enrich your vocabulary, learn to pronounce words correctly, and internalize speaking and intonation patterns. Just like you did as a child learning your native language, listen to the people around you, then start trying to imitate them.

As far as resources are concerned, you can look for videos on YouTube, explore new TV shows, or find podcasts developed for language learners. Later, you can start to branch out to content created for native speakers.

Introverts are also often bookworms. If this is true for you, audiobooks might be the perfect tool. You can even follow along with a text version to help you associate the sounds you hear with words on the page.

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Concentrate on the most useful vocabulary

Introverts also have a tendency to be preparers. And that’s great! Just make sure that you’re spending that prep time on the right things.

As far as vocabulary is concerned, it’s best to start with the most common words and expressions. For example, focus first on what you’ll need to navigate situations you’re likely to encounter during your daily life. Knowing the right words will give your self-confidence a boost.

Learn how to greet and thank people, to ask directions, and to ask how much things cost… These are just a few examples of easy and important vocabulary that will provide the foundation you’ll need when you start to venture into conversations.

Talk to yourself

Soon, it will be time to start working on your speaking. But don’t worry! There are many different ways to approach this part of the journey, and you don’t have to dive into a conversation with a total stranger unless you really want to!

First of all, you can start by simply talking to yourself in the mirror. This will help you get used to the idea of speaking in your target language. You may already have a bit of an internal dialogue with yourself as you go through your day. The idea is to reproduce this in your target language to help yourself get comfortable using the words you’re learning, and maybe even making new sounds that aren’t part of your native language.

You can also use the MosaLingua app. Part of the learning process on the app is to record yourself pronouncing the words and expressions you’re learning, then to compare your pronunciation with a native speaker’s.

Additionally, you could practice a technique known as “shadowing.” The first step of this super easy and efficient strategy is to find a native speaker of your target language (like a YouTuber or a character from a TV show you enjoy). Then, you’ll simply imitate the way they speak, paying attention to their pronunciation, intonation, and inflection. Simple, right?

Build your confidence in a controlled environment

Once you’re starting to feel comfortable with the sound of your own voice, it’s time to start practicing conversations. And again, it’s much easier than you might think.

Today, the best way to start speaking a new language (for both introverts and extroverts) is to use an AI chatbot. It’s literally like you’re talking to a person…but without any of the pressure of talking to a person. And, for those among you who have opted to try MosaChat-AI, the virtual e-tutor embedded in MosaLingua Premium, you already have all the tools you need at your fingertips.

And this brings us to our final point!

Learn from your mistakes

This last method goes hand-in-hand with the previous tip, because accepting your mistakes is an important step in learning a new language. Yes, it might be uncomfortable for some. But there are major benefits if you stop thinking of mistakes as a bad thing, and instead consider them as a big neon sign pointing you in the right direction next time you find yourself in the same situation.

Another advantage of using MosaChat-AI is the possibility to turn your errors into new flashcards in the MosaLingua app. This way, you can literally learn from those mistakes by reviewing them along with your daily cards.

And there you have it, my introverted friends! Starting to learn a new language may seem daunting, but I hope that these five tips for shy language learners will help you feel more prepared for the journey.

Happy learning!


WATCH: 5 Tips for Shy Language Learners

If you’d prefer to listen, you can also find these five tips in Abbe’s video below. It’s in English, but there are also subtitles in French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, and German. Turn them on by clicking on the settings gear in the bottom right corner.

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