Having a good translation dictionary on hand amongst other language learning resources is a must for anyone who is trying to become fluent in a foreign dialect, whether they are at the beginning or advanced stages of doing so. With the introduction of the Internet, this has never been easier, as dictionaries are right at your fingertips. The best part is that online translation dictionaries are completely free to use! They are also much more versatile than their paper counterparts. However, not every German to English dictionary is created equal.

Here is a list of the 5 best German to English dictionaries to make the choosing process easy for you!

German to English Dictionary

The Best German to English Dictionary Available on the Internet

1. Linguee German to English Dictionary

Linguee is a fantastic online German to English dictionary for German language learners. It gives you examples of the words used in a real-life context by finding authentic Internet sources. Editors review every source to ensure that they are excellent examples of the words in their right context. Linguee German-English also provides all the possible German translations of the English word you look up, as well as its German gender.

For those who want a grasp on pronunciation (don’t forget about watching movies to do so as well), just mouse over the speaker buttons to hear the word pronounced in German.

Linguee also has an app for both Android and iPhone users.

Other Contenders for Best German to English Dictionary…

2. Google Translate

Google Translate is known as the go-to for many language learners. Although it should not be the first online translation dictionary you use, it’s an attractive tool if you want help translating a large amount of text to English. Google has made massive strides in improving their translation software. Although it is far from perfect, Google Translate is a great German to English dictionary for getting the gist of a text.

Google Translate also has an app that allows you to handwrite the word you’re searching for or even speak it. One amazing feature of the app that you can hardly find anywhere else is its photo-translator tool. Use your phone’s camera to scan over the text and it will show a live translation instantly on your screen! You can also take a picture of the text and if there’s a word you don’t know, simply swipe your finger over the sentence or word and Google will translate it for you.

3. Dict.cc

This is another great German to English dictionary that is growing rapidly in popularity. Dict.cc is an invaluable tool that is both customizable and also provides you with a free widget so that you can use it even without Internet access. For those of you who want a reliable, and simple tool, Dict.cc may be the answer!


4. Leo

Leo.org is a popular online German to English dictionary that is heavily used in Germany for the translation of English words. One aspect of Leo that makes it stick out is the fact that they have forums used by a community of like-minded folk who are more than willing to help you translate whole idioms or sentences. The site also contains tables for pronunciation and declination for both English and German words to ensure you’re saying them right.




5. BeoLingus

Last on this list is BeoLingus, which is a vey powerful dictionary that has the added benefit of having plenty of phrases and examples to go along with each word. You may find this one to be easier to handle than Leo. It is more forgiving if you forget to add an umlaut or even spell the word incorrectly. Additionally, many language learners choose this online resource because it is not commercial. A.k.a., you won’t be bombarded with ads.


There you have it, the best German to English dictionary available online (Linguee German English) and others that are worth checking out as well. I hope you find this article useful in your German learning pursuits! For more language learning tricks and hacks don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter! And once you have a good amount of vocab up your sleeves, about German grammar with our easy guide.