iPad and Android tablets have been shown to be good tools for learning a language. They’re a great resource for people who like to try unique learning methods. Why?

They give you access to numerous resources via various apps, on and offline, and all in one place.

Take a break from reading a book in Italian or listening to the BBC or CNN for a quick review session with MosaLingua… or make a Skype call to a Spanish-speaking friend! All of that can easily be done from one single device!

Last Updated: 08/24/2021

Use iPad or Android tablets to learn language

Here are the 5 best ways to learn languages using a tablet. And while you’re at it, be sure to read about our favorite tech hacks for language learners (hack #4 is especially relevant for tablet users).

Why iPads and Android Tablets Can be Your Best Friend When Learning a Language

  1. Read in Another Language

iPad and Android tablets are ideal for reading your favorite books in the languages that you’re learning! They have larger screens than your smartphone, so they’re easier on the eyes. Not to mention all of the benefits they have over paperbacks. You get a built-in reading light, online capabilities for looking up words, you can highlight and make notes without permanently damaging your book, and it’s impossible to lose your place!

You can read your book and access a really helpful online multilingual dictionary without putting down your device! (This makes for fewer opportunities to get distracted during your language practice time.)

There are lots of tablet apps out there for reading, but we like the Kindle app best because it also features a monolingual dictionary. Instead of a translation, you’ll find a definition in the same language, which is even better for your language skills! There are more clever tips in our article on how to use your Kindle Fire for language learning.

Don’t forget to use MosaDiscovery to save words and phrases you come across while reading or surfing the web!

➡️ Click here for more details.

  1. Listen to Podcasts or Audiobooks

There are tons of podcasts out there… and a lot of them can help you learn a language! For beginners, there are podcasts created specifically for learners. The hosts speak slowly and use adapted language. Intermediate and advanced learners have even more choice since they can listen to content aimed at native speakers. If that’s your case, we recommend simply picking a podcast based on your interests.

Pick one that sounds interesting and download it right to your device!

If you need some help sifting through all of the content out there, check out our lists of the best podcasts for learning various languages. They’re organized by level of difficulty so that you can more easily find something that will suit you:

💡 Did you know that MosaLingua has its very own podcast? If you haven’t subscribed to the MosaLingua Language Lab Podcast yet, give it a listen and let us know what you think! It’s available wherever you get your podcasts.

Start learning a new language today

Did this article make you want to learn one or several languages?

Good news: we can help!
More good news: you can get started for free! Start your free trial now and for the next 15 days, take advantage of the most effective language learning method on the market!

Vocabulary flashcards, videos with subtitles, audiobooks, articles adapted to your level – with MosaLingua Premium (Web & Mobile), you’ll have access to all this and more. Get started right now. It’s free—and risk-free—to try!

Start your MosaLingua Premium free trial

  1. Take Conversation Classes via Skype

iPad and Android tablets are ideal tools for taking video classes because you can take them with you anywhere you go.

You don’t have to have a big language learning budget to take conversation classes, either. We love language tandems because they’re completely free! Language tandems, or conversation exchanges, are when you talk to a partner who is learning your native language, rather than a professional language tutor. Speak in your native language half of the time, and their native language (your target language) the other half of the time. It’s a win-win! We’ve already compiled a list of the best sites where you can set up a language exchange…

➡️ Find out where to find a language partner right here!

  1. Memorize Vocabulary with MosaLingua (Available for Apple and Android Tablets)

If you’re here, you probably know that MosaLingua is a mobile app. You might even use our web platform. But lots of learners don’t know that the app is also available for tablets! We use our tablets when we’re on the go (or on the couch), especially for reading MosaLingua grammar lessons and bonus content. Download MosaLingua and start learning Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, German, Mandarin Chinese, or English from your Android tablet or iPad.

Not convinced that language learning apps are the best use of your practice time? Here are 7 reasons to give language learning apps a try.

Pssst! Not all language apps are created equal! We figured out what makes a language learning app effective and efficient, and what makes it waste your time. Here are the 🚩 red flags 🚩 to look out for when you’re on the hunt for a new language app for your tablet.

  1. Keep Your Notes Organized with Evernote

Last but not least, Evernote is a program that can be installed on all of your devices, including tablets…

Use it to collect things like notes, photos, and screenshots. It’s simply one big, well-organized, digital notepad.

There’s a free version of this tablet app, and it’s great for learning languages!

How? Copy and paste expressions that seem important, make your own grammar “textbook,” or keep a journal in the foreign language you’re learning. You can even use it as a virtual bullet journal. (If you’re into BuJo, check out Luca’s article about bullet journaling for language learners.)


BONUS Video: Learn a Language with Your iPad or Android Tablets

For a more visual version of this article, watch the video below or on YouTube and learn how to use your tablet for language learning.

Like this video? Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more tips and hacks


So if you have a tablet, take advantage of all the benefits it has to offer and put these tips and tricks into practice right away! Then, let us know in the comments how you use your tablet for language learning.