In the second installment of the video we share the best way to set goals to achieve fluency in your desired language. This is the second video in out 12 video series, in which different members of our team give their favorite language learning tips!



Video: Alizah’s Tips to Set Your Goals to Achieve Fluency

The video is in English but it has subtitles in several languages.

How to set your goals to achieve fluency (Video Transcript):

Hey guys!

This is Alizah from MosaLingua. Today, I’d like to talk about setting goals to learn a language.

To achieve your long-term goals you need to set short-term goals, for example learning 70 new words per week, which is 10 per day.

This will allow you to achieve little victories along the way to help keep you motivated to continue learning.

Trust me: making short goals will keep you motivated, but doing anything and doing it well will take time so have a little patience with yourself!

Make sure that you look back at your goals on a regular basis to ensure you’re staying on course. Additionally, if you find that you’re having hard time reaching them week after week, then don’t be afraid to scale back to make them more realistic.

This is a series of 12 hacks, so don’t  miss any of them by subscribing to our channel right away!

You can also get our ebook revealing the 7 tools used by polyglots to learn a language quickly! Click here (indicate on your right, so you have to put yourself on the left when you record)

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch
the entire series of tips for language learning!

Thank you very much for taking the time to watch! You can also download our free e-book that gives you seven tools that famous polyglots utilize to learn a foreign language quickly and efficiently.