In Italian, the future is used to talk about things that have not happened yet or things that are not sure. There are many ways to talk about future actions in Italian.
How To Talk In The Future In Italian (Video)
How To Talk In The Future In Italian
Let’s see some examples: – domani vado al mare (tomorrow, I go to the sea). Do you notice something? What tense did I use? Exactly, the present tense! I’ve a good news for you: in Italian we can talk about future events also using, most of the times, the present. Do you want to know why? There are words that help you understand it’s about a future action. Which words? Here are some of them: domani (tomorrow), la settimana prossima (next week), il mese prossimo (next month), l’anno prossimo (next year), tra un’ora (in an hour). With these magic words you can avoid, at the beginning, to learn how to conjugate verbs at the future tense and use the present that you already know.
Your message will be clear anyway because you will use those expressions, that talk about an action that has not happened yet, which is the future. Once you get comfortable with the present, you can start memorizing and using the actual future tense. Let’s see how to form it. For the regular verbs it’s really simple: take the infinitive of the verb, remove the last three letters, and then add these endings. For the verbs with the infinitive in -are and -ere, you have to add -erò, -erai, -erà, -erete -eranno. For the verbs with infinitive in -ire you have to add -irò, -irai, -irà, -iremo, -irete, -iranno. Easy!
Let’s see some sample sentences: domani non lavorerò perché partirò per l’Italia. Tu invece cosa farai? (I won’t work tomorrow as I’m going to Italy. What are you going to do?) As in many languages, in Italian too there are irregular verbs, but don’t worry! Now I’m gonna give you tips to memorize more easily the future of irregolare verbs and use them without any problems. In fact, some follow a identical pattern: andare (to go), avere (to have), potere (can) dovere (to have to), vedere (to see), vivere (to live).
You just have to remove the vowel in the centre and the final -e, then add the following endings -ò, -ai, -à, -emo, -ete, -anno. And that’s the future of the irregular verbs! Do not forget to learn first the verbs more commonly used in the daily life, that will be useful to communicate. For example, learn the future of the ausiliari verbs essere (to be) and avere (to have). The future of essere is: io sarò, tu sarai, lui/lei sarà, noi saremo, voi sarete, essi saranno.
The future of avere is: io avrò, tu avrai, lui/lei avrà, noi avremo, voi avrete, essi avranno. Now give it a try with the others. See? It’s not hard at all! Then if you need help, below you can find details to learn how to use most common irregular verbs in Italian. But learn them gradually and with a lot of practice, otherwise it’ll be a long and boring process.
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