Feeling overwhelmed by grammar rules and dense textbooks? There’s a better way to learn English grammar! In this video, you’ll learn two simple but powerful hacks to help you learn it the easy way.
This video is the first in a series of English grammar hacks where our team will reveal their best language learning tricks. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss out on the rest of the series. The videos are in English but are subtitled in five other languages. You can also read the transcript below.
The Best Way to Learn English Grammar | English Grammar Hacks (Video)
The Best Way to Learn English Grammar | English Grammar Hacks (Transcript)
Hi! This is Abbe from MosaLingua. In this video, I’m going to show you one of the best ways to learn English grammar. You may have already started to learn English grammar with boring textbooks and tedious exercises. You’re not alone if you find these methods difficult or confusing. What if I told you there’s another way to learn it? A way that makes everything easier to understand and remember. Let’s jump right in!
We all know and can use the grammar of our mother tongue very well, even if we never spent time learning it with lessons and exercises. As a child we learn our native languages grammar through practical examples and only when we feel we really need it or are corrected by our parents. The good news here is that you can do the same with English (or any language, really).
The first thing you need to do is immerse yourself in English to make sure you can recreate context.
Click here to learn how.
As you start learning the English language with these activities, you will notice that some of the same patterns show up over and over again. It is important to start with the most common patterns you encounter. There is surely a grammar rule that may explain them. But before you go straight to your textbook, try to guess what the rule is based on sentences in their natural contexts.
Let’s take two sentences as an example:
The big black wolf or The black big wolf.
The word order is different but which one is correct? The first one is. There is a grammar rule for that, but it is somewhat hard to remember. Now, let’s say you are reading a book in English where you see these 3 sentences:
The small white house. The short green dress. The large grey rock.
You know for sure these are all correct, as you read them in an English book. Now, time for another question:
The tall white man or The white tall man.
Which one is correct? The first one, of course! You can tell because the previous sentences you read are similar. We can guess that size always comes before color.
Let’s look at another example.
Here, we want to express a large quantity. Let’s read these expressions first.
Many apples. Much love. Many cars. Much water. Many birds. Much luck.
After reading these examples, can you guess whether you use much or many before the word “milk”?
If you answered “much,” you guessed the right answer without knowing the rule! We use much when we cannot count the quantity, and many if we can count it.
This is a small grammar rule, but you can use your intuition to understand it. That is why, when you start learning English, we suggest that instead of spending hours hunched over grammar lessons… try to read and listen to English as often as possible. After a while, you will start picking up rules intuitively, learning like children do!
Another tip I can give you is to only study a grammar rule when you feel you can’t express yourself without it.
For example, instead of learning the future tense and then waiting weeks or month before using it, it’s better to learn it only when you feel the need to speak in the future tense. Putting the rule into practice immediately will help you memorize it… so learn while using the language and not before using it.
Of course, you can always study a grammar rule when you still find it hard to understand something, but you will see that you won’t need to consult your grammar books very often if you really throw yourself into this hack.
That’s it for today! If you liked this video, subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss out on the next English grammar hacks in the series! You can also post your questions in the comment sections – we are here to help!
Happy learning, and see you next time!